Return Policy
Withdrawal / Return Policy - Product Replacement
If you are unsatisfied with your product/s purchased from Bilitis Swimwear for any reason, you have 15 days, from the day you received your order, to request a total or partial replacement or refund of your order. The order receive date is shown on the courier delivery receipt.
If the request will not be made within the days span mentioned above, then Bilitis Swimwear retains the right to either refuse delivery of such return or refuse replacement or refund.
Qualifying for product/s replacment or refund, you have to:
- Fill and send with the returned product/s the Return Form located behind the order receipt you received with your order.
- Return product/s in good physical condition, unused and in original packaging without removing manufacturer labels.
Return product/s only via the courier company (Elta Courier) you received them.
Return Cost
From within Greece
- Return product/s via the courier company (Elta Courier) you received them.
- The return cost is charging the buyer. Buyer can choose to charge us sending back the products with Elta Courier and we can exculde 5€ from the money refund.
- In case the customer chooses another courier company to return the product/s, the customer will have to pay the return cost exclusively.
- Returnings via other courier company, charging the return cost to Bilitis Swimwear will not be received.
Refunds- In case of a return without appropriate reasons, the shipping charges is dedacted from the refund amount which is 5€.
Product Replacment - In case of a return without appropriate reasons, the shipping charges is dedacted from the refund amount which is 5€.
- Product Replacment shipping fees are charged to the buyer with the amount of 3€
From outside Greece
The customer returns the product/s via any courier company he chooses and pays the return cost exclusively. Returnings charging the return cost to Bilitis Swimwear will not be received.
In sort, to qualify for product/s replacment or refund, all the following conditions must be met:
- return product/s within 15 days from the day you received your order
- returned product/s must be in good physical condition, unused and in original packaging without removing manufacturer labels
- return product/s accompanied with the order's receipt and the Return Form filled
Returning Address
- Address: Egeos 45, Kallithea 17675 Athens, Greece
- Phone: 210 95 666 17, 210 95 723 96
- Email:
For further information, please contact with our customer support at +30 2109572396 or